Nigeria stenography training
Click on the link: LexTech – Tech
Click on the link: LexTech – Tech
Awarded by BIVR for Outstanding Contribution to the Profession.
Read the whole article here:
Guess who has been working during the Covid-19 pandemic? Why, realtime reporters, of course, including Sumanth Nayak working remotely from home.
Post-Covid 19 restrictions, I am now able to interview/assess prospective students at Harrow.
Well done to Sumanth Nayak for passing 170 realtime. Also, 180 and 190 edited passes (all at 98% accuracy.)
Congratulations to Sumanth Nayak on passing 200!
Well done to Cindy Wu on 150 wpm
Well done to Sumanth on 120 wpm
Well done Cath!
Well done to student Cindy Wu who has just completed an assignment – a film extra on Mission Impossible, playing a Stenographer.
What is also Not Impossible is for you too to become a verbatim realtime stenographer, for hearings or as a Verbatim Speech-to-Text Reporter.