
Skill/Speed-building will be by digital audio dictation plus speed tests, but examinations for high speeds will be by live dictation by arrangement with the IPS (Incorporated Phonographic Society) whose examination fees are currently from  £9.00 to £15 per examination. This will be arranged through the Principal, Mary Sorene, who is its current Chairman.  Check out the IPS website:  Also one-hour 1:1 tutorials via Skype will also be scheduled, by arrangement, on a regular basis, monthly, fortnightly or weekly.  Ideally, a minimum of four hours per day should be spent on the tutorial. It should be noted however, that frequent breaks should be taken (approximately 10 minutes in every hour) when working on the computer tutorial – as with all computer work. The more effort put into the programme, the more the student/participant gets out of it and the sooner the skill is obtained.

Students/participants will vary in the time taken to complete the basic and advanced theory. This will depend on the time devoted to training and, of course, the particular aptitude of the student/participant.

Students/participants studying full-time should aim to complete the advanced theory portion of the course in four to five months, thereafter building up speed to the required level. Note that these times are only a rough guide. Some students will progress at a faster rate and others at a slower one. It cannot be stressed too highly that students/participants progress at differing rates and all work on the computer tutorial is to be undertaken at a steady pace with accuracy of stroking being of paramount importance.

Should students/participants, in fact, complete the course within 24 months the balance of the tutorial fee remains payable, as the instalment plan is a concession to allow students/participants to pay for their course.

If students/participants have not completed the advanced theory/medical tutorials and/or skill/speed-building within 24 months, they may continue on the course (with continuing support from the Principal), at the same monthly rate as shown in the fees page.